National Guard Bring Your A Game to School coming to your town!

National Guard Bring Your A Game to School coming to your town!

To learn more how you can host the Bring Your A Game to School assembly to join your friends and classmates, please email!
The Core Educational A’s of “Bring Your A GAME To School”:
ALLIANCE  Forging the right friendships; run with the right crowd.
ATTITUDE  Bring a positive mental attitude every day to family, friends, work, school.
AUTHENTIC  Never sell out; be your own person.
ABILITY  Maximize your ability to the fullest. Enjoy varied interests, be well rounded.
ACTIVE  Keeping fit, exercise, staying off the couch and be part of a team.
ANTI-BULLYING  Treat others as you would want be treated. Establish an environment of acceptance, tolerance and respect.
ACHEIVE  Reaching your goals everyday in life, schoolwork, athletics, family.